Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Medical Update

First off, I have followers now!  Hello!  :D
Taking care of my Mr for 3-4 weeks really took it's toll on my broken body.  If you've ever had an extended stay at a hospital, you know that they're understaffed & the nurses work their asses off.  I stayed at the hospital the entire time he was there to help out.  I did leave a few times to run errands, but I wasn't gone long. 
The nurses were impressed with my abilities & kept trying to convince me to go to nursing school.  They were nice enough to bring me ice packs & tried to find a bed for me to sleep on instead of the chair.  One nurse panicked when she saw my bendy body slumped in the chair.  I woke up to her trying to prop my head up with some pillows.  They were also nice enough to get my shoulder back into place when it dislocated. 
I had a doctors appointment the day after he was released and they said I was in terrible shape.  I have higher doses of medication for a few months until things settle down.  So far the list of damage is:
Torn Achilles tendon
Torn plantar fascia (tendon on the bottom of the foot)
Almost herniated another disc (saved by 24 hour Walgreens having a back brace)
Severe ankle swelling that still hasn't gone down
Dislocated shoulder (it was put back in, but it still sore and keeps slipping out)
Subluxed both hips
Four dislocated ribs
Both knees are shot (esp. the one that was just fixed)
Neck is now is worse shape
I've had to do so much more than I should.  The Mr is on a super healthy diet, so I have to cook until he's recovered enough to do it himself.  Since I'm cooking more, there are more dishes to clean.  I have a stool I can sit on in the kitchen, but it's a bit short & it's hard to move around.  I've tried to find one with wheels, but haven't had much luck. 
The thing that is giving me the most trouble is food shopping.  I usually just have to pick up a few things at the store.  Now I have to get everything (on my limited income), get it in the car, into the house & put away.  Once I get that taken care of, I pass out on the couch. 
I'm exhausted.  I feel terrible & I haven't done the dishes in a few days.  The Mr has gotten so used to being waited on & keeps asking me to get him things that he's capable of getting himself.  He's not ready to clean or help out, but he can get his own drinks.  He needs to move around anyway. 
He's going back to work this week, so I'm hoping I'll recover faster since I won't have to cook 3 meals for him.  I really need rest.  It's good for me to move about, but this has been too much.  I feel like I could sleep for a month.
I do have something fun planned for next week.  Two of my friends are taking me on a road trip.  I know it's going to wear me out, but I need to do something fun.  We planned to go months ago, but postponed it.  Now that it's cool outside, I think it will be a more enjoyable trip.  We'll be going to the Ava Gardner Museum & I will post a full report when we get back.  I haven't been to the "new" location, so I'm excited.

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