Sunday, July 31, 2011

Social Sunday

I managed to drag myself out of the house to have lunch with friends from out of town.  It was in the low 90's and felt decent compared to our 100+ days.  We went to the shopping area with Bygones & Luxor.  While waiting for them to show up, I tried on a few dresses at Bygones. 

$19 (not a great pic, I know)

I won't post pictures of myself in them.  I need to drop at least 20 lbs and it's really obvious in the red Stop Staring dress.  The Trashy Diva dress fit, but the belt didn't.  They're a lot more expensive at Bygones than they are online.  The black dress was one was vintage & a good price ($19), but it was too small. 
They still had these gloves. 
They're cute, but I really can't shell out $14 for gloves right now
We ate & caught up, then went to Luxor.  I did have a bit of luck there. 


This is handmade & the style is frumpy.  I thought it had some potential & I'm thinking of ways to alter it.  It's not great on the hanger, but once I tried it on, I decided I could work on it. 

Close up of plaid
I'm thinking of shortening the sleeves & changing out the white trim for black. I'd like to add buttons or some other way to close it.  They did have a sweater clip that I liked, but it cost more than the jacket.  If they still have it the next time I go back, I'll get it. 

I had even better luck at the used bookstore.  $20 for a large bag, filled with books!  Most are in really good shape with no cracks in the spines.  I got 3 Marilyn Monroe books for my collection and 3 other old Hollywood bios.  The rest were mysteries & sci-fi.  They only have this sale once a year and I haven't had this kind of luck in the past. 

Seeing my friends was great and it was nice to forget about medical things for a while.  Now I have books & the jacket to distract myself with for a bit.

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