Friday, August 5, 2011

Yet another doctor visit...

 I got my lab results back & was good and went through with the physical, even though I really didn't want to.
So far I have almost no vitamin D & too much cholesterol.  I have to take a super vitamin & I was given a cholesterol med (that scares me a little).  Vitamin D helps process cholesterol and since I don't have any, it makes sense that the cholesterol is high to everyone except for this doctor. 
The doctor also kind of called me fat & is putting me on a special diet.  Well, she THINKS she is... 
I know I won't stick to it because she wants me to only eat fish & veggies.  Not much variety there & she told me NO pizza, bread, cheese or meat.  Really?  People do better on diets when they have variety.  I will try to mix in more fish & veggies, but I'm miserable enough without having what I can eat severely limited.  I could see these drastic measures if my weight were much, much higher & if I had a heart attack.  I know it's preventative, but I would be more likely to follow it if I were still "allowed" things I enjoy.
She's also told me I MUST join a gym.  With what money???  I told her I do what I can, but I'm still limited while my knee heals.  Once that heals, I'm still limited in what I can do because of the EDS.  The light exercises I do are not designed for weight loss.  My other doctors understand this. 
She's a bit overzealous about being healthy.  Eating fish & veggies every day may be great for her, but not for someone like me.  I love bread, pizza, cheese fries, fried food, steak & burgers.  Do I eat them every day?  No.  OK, I do have bread daily because sammiches are easy to make and cheap.  Moderation is a better way to go.  People don't stick with things that make them miserable. 
I do have to say she's very thorough in her physicals.  She analysed every mole I have and decided some need to go.  Now I have to go back next week for that.  Even more $ out of my pocket.  
It is nice having someone that is concerned for their patients, but I felt really down when I left the office.  I ran an errand and came home to mope until I can come up with a better plan.

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