Saturday, August 6, 2011

I need to get out more...

I woke up this afternoon feeling like a monster truck had snuck into my room and ran me over a few times.  I took my meds and waited for them to kick in and debated whether or not I should tell our friends not to come over. 
This is one of the biggest issues with having major medical problems.  You want to be social, but you have zero energy and feel like crap.  You end up losing most of your friends.  The few friends I have left are very understanding & helpful.  I'm not the sort of person that asks for help often, but they will go all out to help. 
The need for human contact won out, so I showered and managed to pull on jeans and a t-shirt.  I was still dragging, but a few minutes after they got here, I got kind of hyper and started rambling at them.  I'm normally pretty laid back & kind of quiet, but no one could shut me up.  I just kept going until I realized everyone was looking at me with a surprised expression. 
I need to get out more...The Mr doesn't really listen to me since I mostly ramble on about the movies I saw on TCM that day.  I try to talk about news stories, but he just sits there reading his Kindle.  If I talk about a really weird news story, he'll listen. 
Rambling excitedly & waving my hands around for a long time wore me out.  As soon as they left, I felt terrible & my managed to hurt my shoulder. 
Now I'm "recovering" by watching a bad horror movie & planning a road trip.  I'm hoping once I get some energy back I can do something fun that gets me out of town for a bit.   

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