I've spent the last few days trying to fight off deep depression. I tried reading, but couldn't really get into my book & I'd really been looking forward to it. Staring off into space has occupied most of my weekend. I finally started coming around a little Sunday night & checked the tracking number on some of my eBay purchases & saw that my bakelite bangles had been delivered Saturday. I went downstairs and didn't see the box thinking the Mr. got the mail. I was worried because I've had several things stolen from the mail, so I went out to check the mailbox and...
My bangles were in the mailbox!
Anyway, here's my small collection of bakelite bangles:
I'd really like some black ones to mix in, but I always get outbid on those. The thicker yellow one is more of a pale, buttery color. The camera has a yellow tint for some reason. I haven't invested too much in these. I really like the look, but I don't get many chances to wear them. I wear a brace on one wrist & medical ID on the other and it doesn't look right with the bakelite. I thought about modifying a bangle into a medical ID, but it might not stand out enough. A friend & I joke about tattooing our medical info, but then we'd have full sleeves of medical stuff & we'd be screwed if something changed.
Speaking of medical stuff, I have two doctors appointments this week: pain management & tests for Hypothyroidism.
I'm staying off of Etsy & eBay since I have to shell out loads of money for two appointments, my regular refills & possible new meds.
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