Sunday, August 21, 2011


I had a few things I was going to post about, but they came out whiny.  I was hoping to have some energy back after a few weeks of the super vitamins, but so far, no real change. 
Also, still no luck on the job front & unemployment runs out next month.  I contacted a job firm that specializes in placing handicapped people, but they haven't contacted me back. 
One of my friends, who is also unemployed, and I decided that we'd hang out every few weeks to keep ourselves sane.  This week we went to two antique malls I haven't been to.  The first one had a lot more crafts than antiques, but the prices were much better.  I found this tiki ashtray in the clearance section:

It's heavy.  I'd like to use it for earrings or something like that, but there's no room in my bathroom. 
The second "mall" was expensive & they have a focus on furniture.  I did find this little dog: 

He has joined my flamingo & dachshund on my dresser. 
I was trying to be good, but I'm tempted to go back for this pitcher/glasses set:
I really wanted this clock radio, too:

I just can't justify spending the money though. 
Our weird find of the day was this anatomy picture:
My friend was creeped out by it, but she doesn't spend as much time in doctors offices.  It is kind of creepy.  I wouldn't want to wander through my house, half-asleep, & see it.  I can see myself shooting it or smashing it with the closest blunt object. 
About half-way though the 2nd mall, I started to crash.  One booth had a really nice chair with zebra fabric, so I decided to "test" it.  My friend said it really fit me, so I looked at the price...$700!  Yikes!  We decided to head out and save the 2nd half for another day.  I was exhausted.  It was hot in both stores and that doesn't help me at all. 
I made it home & found two more goodies in the mail:


Still had the tag on it

The colors are brighter in person

I've been wanting a hair tie from DollyCool for a while.  I was feeling bad one day last week and decided to treat myself. 

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Tax-free laziness...

Two weekends a year, Virginia does tax free weekends on clothing.  In PA, we don't have sales tax on clothing or food (unless it's a restaurant). 
I forgot about the tax-free weekend until this afternoon.  I need something to wear for job interviews, not that I've had much luck on that front.  I want to make sure I have some to wear in my closet so I don't have to rush out to the mall to find something.  I hate the malls around here.  The people are even more horrible than they normally are & they're much worse during tax free weekend.  You'd think they were giving things away for free. 
Fortunately, it applies to online shopping for stores in VA so I can watch an "I Love Lucy" marathon while shopping.
I settled on this dress:

$35 (I have a better belt for it)
I've had good luck finding inexpensive dresses with a retro feel at JC Penney.  I got a dress for the office Christmas party there for $10.  It's a dress I could easily dress down for an interview, but it's heavy and is much too hot to wear when it's 100 degrees outside.  
They had a few pairs of shoes that were cute, but out of my price range.  I have a pair of Mary Janes that I can wear.  
I decided I'm going to wear a cardigan instead of a jacket.  I never wear them and it's a waste of money.  It's kind of a gamble, but I think I can look just as nice with a quality cardigan.  I'll see what it looks like when I pick up the dress. 
One thing that really irritates me about JCP's online ordering is they charge you to ship to the store.  It was only a dollar cheaper than shipping to my house, too.  Most stores will ship to their own stores for free.  It's stupid to charge $6 to have something sent to the store when you're already sending shipments to your stores.  I wouldn't have ordered the dress if I hadn't found a coupon for free site to store shipping.  If they'd offer that all of the time, it would bring people to the store where they might find other things to buy. 

Saturday, August 6, 2011

I need to get out more...

I woke up this afternoon feeling like a monster truck had snuck into my room and ran me over a few times.  I took my meds and waited for them to kick in and debated whether or not I should tell our friends not to come over. 
This is one of the biggest issues with having major medical problems.  You want to be social, but you have zero energy and feel like crap.  You end up losing most of your friends.  The few friends I have left are very understanding & helpful.  I'm not the sort of person that asks for help often, but they will go all out to help. 
The need for human contact won out, so I showered and managed to pull on jeans and a t-shirt.  I was still dragging, but a few minutes after they got here, I got kind of hyper and started rambling at them.  I'm normally pretty laid back & kind of quiet, but no one could shut me up.  I just kept going until I realized everyone was looking at me with a surprised expression. 
I need to get out more...The Mr doesn't really listen to me since I mostly ramble on about the movies I saw on TCM that day.  I try to talk about news stories, but he just sits there reading his Kindle.  If I talk about a really weird news story, he'll listen. 
Rambling excitedly & waving my hands around for a long time wore me out.  As soon as they left, I felt terrible & my managed to hurt my shoulder. 
Now I'm "recovering" by watching a bad horror movie & planning a road trip.  I'm hoping once I get some energy back I can do something fun that gets me out of town for a bit.   

Friday, August 5, 2011

Yet another doctor visit...

 I got my lab results back & was good and went through with the physical, even though I really didn't want to.
So far I have almost no vitamin D & too much cholesterol.  I have to take a super vitamin & I was given a cholesterol med (that scares me a little).  Vitamin D helps process cholesterol and since I don't have any, it makes sense that the cholesterol is high to everyone except for this doctor. 
The doctor also kind of called me fat & is putting me on a special diet.  Well, she THINKS she is... 
I know I won't stick to it because she wants me to only eat fish & veggies.  Not much variety there & she told me NO pizza, bread, cheese or meat.  Really?  People do better on diets when they have variety.  I will try to mix in more fish & veggies, but I'm miserable enough without having what I can eat severely limited.  I could see these drastic measures if my weight were much, much higher & if I had a heart attack.  I know it's preventative, but I would be more likely to follow it if I were still "allowed" things I enjoy.
She's also told me I MUST join a gym.  With what money???  I told her I do what I can, but I'm still limited while my knee heals.  Once that heals, I'm still limited in what I can do because of the EDS.  The light exercises I do are not designed for weight loss.  My other doctors understand this. 
She's a bit overzealous about being healthy.  Eating fish & veggies every day may be great for her, but not for someone like me.  I love bread, pizza, cheese fries, fried food, steak & burgers.  Do I eat them every day?  No.  OK, I do have bread daily because sammiches are easy to make and cheap.  Moderation is a better way to go.  People don't stick with things that make them miserable. 
I do have to say she's very thorough in her physicals.  She analysed every mole I have and decided some need to go.  Now I have to go back next week for that.  Even more $ out of my pocket.  
It is nice having someone that is concerned for their patients, but I felt really down when I left the office.  I ran an errand and came home to mope until I can come up with a better plan.