One of my long time friends & I had planned a road trip for next month that I was really looking forward to. Well, yesterday she told me she didn't want to go because I'm not much fun to be around since I got sick.
Wow, thanks.
She's worried I'll have a bad day and we'll sit around in a hotel room.
I've been steadily losing friends over the past few years because I can't make it to cook outs or parties or clubbing. I should be used to it, but we've been friends for over 10 year & this stings quite a bit. She could have given a better excuse, like not having money or she wants to hang out with her new boyfriend.
I was still dealing with a bad depressive episode yesterday so I decided to wait before replying to her. I started feeling better today and re-read the email thinking I could have read it wrong. Nope, but at least I'm feeling well enough to respond like an adult & not a whiny teenager.